
the Art of Dying

Think about death much?

Think about your own, like maybe
what your coffin might look like?

Most people are a little squeamish about such
things, but in Poland there are people doing
something about it!

"Lindner is one of the leading coffin producer
in Europe. The Lindner Calendar has been very popular for many years.
Is it controversial? It certainly is.
Do ordinary coffins match to naked girls?
No, but Lindner coffins definitely do –
quality, beautiful ornaments, modern design.

The Calendar 2013 can be ordered on this website.
The whole income from the calendar's sale is given
to the charity.
The coffin producer is the patron of art
of the „Ptaszarnia” project made by
the Community Center in Wągrowiec.

The calendar can be ordered by filling the form.


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Another one bites the dust...

it's a sad day for junk food connoisseurs...

and perhaps another telling comment
       on the cultural decline of America.

as of this week, there will be no more Twinkies.

no more Hostess cupcakes...

no more Ding Dongs...

no mo' Ho Hos...

and no more Sno Balls...

it's hasta la vista, Hostess treats.

these links may help you deal with this terrible situation:

Hostess liquidation expected to draw hungry buyers

How to stockpile Twinkies

Twinkie Recipe


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Odd Creepy and beyond...

there's a lot of weird stuff on the net. duh.
of all the odd things i have seen lately,
these stuck...

unusually creative as wedding photography goes.

did Gilligan know? the professor?

so this hustle has been around since when?

W     T       F   ?

if i had a car....

the Beatles don't have one. U2 doesn't have one. only Elvis.

wool? gay? who knew?

there's also a lot of stuff on the net
that is straight up creepy. duh too.

but like the odd, the creepy stuff
has something to say

about what's going on
and how it got that way.


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Terror, Death and stuff

fear is the flavour of the year these days.
i don't get it. we're all going to die.
get used to it. or don't. whatever.

but stop being afraid all the time!

seriously. people who are scared make bad decisions,
including electing people who then make them more scared.
laughing at it all is way better.
so is laughing at yourself.



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Funny Business

i'm not much on communications theory anymore.
i hardly know my semiotics from probiotics
and i couldn't situate a discourse
if my life depended on it.

but this particular evolution
means some thing(s)...


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Check your meds

recent misfires from my frontal lobes...
or lizard brain or somewhere up there/here/i'm shutting up now...


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MK Brown... genius of funny

a long time ago, there was a very funny magazine called the National Lampoon. don't confuse it
with what has been done under that brand for
the last twenty-odd years - this was a very funny
bunch of people.

one of the things that made it so funny
was the comics. NatLamp, as we used to
call it, was the deep end of comic art.

Picking up on the underground heritage
of Mr. Natural, the Furry Freak Brothers
and others, NatLamp was where some
of most hardcore, original men and women
hit it every month...

in with Shary Flenniken, Gahan Wilson, rodriguez
and other stars, in June of 1972 in the issue
with the big Nixon nose appeared
a new name- MK Brown.

even in a context of extreme orginality,
MK Brown was not and is not like the others.

MK Brown didn't do the cheap laughs
or the easy joke. There was no ca-ca
or poo-poo on display.
Sometimes i wouldn't even laugh when
i first read them. i'd just go "hmmmm....",
but i'd find myself returning to them,
sometimes to laugh, sometimes just for
the quality of the language and singular beauty
of her illustrations.

and then there's this one... which is still
one of my favourite comics of all time.

here's a couple more...

if she was a waffle, i'd spring for the maple syrup.
if she was for breakfast, i'd get up on time.
if i'd never heard of her, i'd check her out pronto!

you can find a whole bunch of her work here
- highly recommended!

and more here!


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Funky Food

My parents raised me to be "a good eater".
In part, this was necessity, as we were not
well to do when I was young. Meat loaf was
a big treat, and to this day there are parts
of a cow that can make me shudder.

But there were compensations too, like
home-baked bread because store-bought
was way too expensive.

In part, it was also to make us good guests.
We were taught that when you went to someone's
house for dinner, you ate whatever they served
you and said thank-you very much.

This accounts for my lack of patience with vegans
and the various kinds of vegetarians at large
in the world to this day.

That said, I am not sure I could have eaten many
of these funky foods and said "Thank-you very much" afterwards...


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