
Feel the Burn!

If you're walking down the streets
of your town one day
and you see one of these....



Because it's the Active Denial System, that's why...

And if you're anywhere up to 700 metres
in front of it, this machine can focus a
of 3.2mm wave electromagnetic radiation on you.

This beam can heat the water and fat molecules
of your skin, causing their temperature
to rise by up to 50C.

It's an all-pain, our gain way to clear the streets
of unsightly rabble with no messy clean-up
or lengthy post-mortems.
Under development for more than 15 years,
we are assured by both the manufacturers
and their current customers that
it's completely safe.

Today's proponents of electromagnetic crowd control techniques invoke essentially the same argument that psycho-chemical warfare boosters used in the 1950s:

Would you rather be zapped – or dosed –
by a nonlethal device or shot to death
by conventional firepower

That's freedom of choice.

Coming soon to a demonstration near you?
Time will tell...

the Weapon That's a Hot Topic

here's a review - with video - from a blog in Pakistan

where can you can get one?


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